Who do you love to talk with about the law? I recently asked a group of attorneys this question, and without exception, they all said they loved talking to other attorneys, law professors, and peers. Not one mentioned enjoying conversations about the law with their clients, spouses, or partners. Not one!
How about you? Who do you love to talk to about your profession? If your answer is limited to those within your field, it might be time to stretch a little—focus on another audience and see if you can effectively translate what you know.
I recently told one of my physician clients that I have another 25 years left of active service before I slow down. He smiled and said, “All I can tell you, Kevin, is that all of my 90-year-old patients have two things in common.” Then he pointed to his head and said, “They stay active here,” and pointed to his legs and said, “And they stay active here!”
My internal response? “Well, I’m 50% of the way there!” My external response? “Understood!”
All of the medical tests, history, advice, and notes in a file were less impactful than his ability to align with my 25-year goal in a way that stuck with me.
If you know how to communicate your expertise so it resonates beyond the moment, you gain more than an audience—you gain non-experts who genuinely understand and appreciate your work. Translate what you know, so others truly know what you know!