Networking at conferences

I met some wonderful new people at ACHE Congress this week which inspired today’s TOP TIP! Next time you’re at a conference, step out of your comfort zone! Introduce yourself to people you don’t know, because who knows what you will learn about them and from them. Watch this video to learn more...

Be an engaging audience member

Next time you're watching a presentation, think what YOU are like as an audience member. Don't only evaluate the speaker, evaluate your level of engagement, the energy you are giving them. It's a two way show and you will get out of it what you put in! Watch this video to learn more.

Benefit from format

How can we benefit from a FORMAT in meetings and presentations? It worked for the old Western shows (does anybody else LOVE them?), and it can work for you too! Watch this video to learn more...


Let's talk about EMOTIONS. Paul R. Rasmussen, Ph.D., an Adlerian Psychologist, talks about validating and compelling emotions rather than positive and negative emotions. This is really helpful to apply day-to-day to help us find the JOY again in what we do. Watch this video to learn more.


Watch this video to learn how to get your audience engaged, before you even start speaking!

Did you know? I am qualified as a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) recognising speaking excellence – an honor which less than 600 people in the world hold! If you need:

💬 a presenter who the audience can connect with quickly in order to engage them with the topic, the theme, and the reason for being together

💬 a presentation that is informative, interactive and will leave a lasting impression

💬 the audience to come away with skills, concepts, and action items that can be used immediately

...let’s have a virtual coffee to discuss how I can support you. I can't wait to chat:

What do you want to be remembered for?

Today, take moment to think about what do you want to be remembered for in your presentation, or your next meeting, or a conversation with your boss. Take a moment longer to watch this video where I explain more!

Doing it differently

Today, think about what you can do differently to what you've done before and different to everybody else, and how that might help you THINK differently.

Giving encouragement

Give encouragement! With your children, spouse, colleagues, even your boss. Say what you liked, what you learned and what you appreciated. It’s a real skill but helps to promote growth, and create a culture of appreciation.

Open ended questions

There’s something I’ve noticed on the TV and radio recently that drives me crazy, and it inspired today’s top tip! In an interview (or any conversation really!) ask open ended questions, don’t go on to give options of answers, confusing and restricting the other person’s response. Stay quiet and see what the other person has to say!

What to say when you're caught off guard

Do you have the same problem as me, and find it hard when something happens in a meeting or a conversation and you need to say the right thing FAST? Here’s a top tip to help deal with this situation. Let me know what you think!

Considering your response

When was the last time someone offended you? And how did you react? It's important to take a step back and think what might be going on with the other person. Don't just react, make a considered response. Learn more in this video.

Slow things down!

When giving presentations, doing podcasts, even leaving a voice mail, think about the message you want to convey. Really think about the person it’s going to. The results are interesting. Watch this video to learn more and let me know what you think!

Your TO BE List

Everyone has a To Do list, but how about a To Be list? Who are you going to BE today? This is the list that defines your success and your significance. Take two minutes out of your day to learn more in this video.

Interview style presentations

Here are my top tips for when you find yourself in an interview style presentation, for example on a podcast. Don't be part of the group On and On Anon! Watch to learn more.

Learning from your mistakes

Sometimes we can easily get discouraged. If you end up taking 3 steps forward, but 2 steps back, remember to learn from your mistakes to inform your next step! Watch this video to learn more!

Learning from feedback

Give people your take on the information in your presentations. Remember, YOU are the expert and YOUR TAKE is what people really want to hear. Watch this video to learn more.

Gift giving

Gift giving

Something to think about this year - If you routinely give your team members gifts try something very different…give gifts to your team member's children! Not the same thing, give it some thought, you might even interview your team individually and see what each child is interested in. Not a specific gift the parent wants but “your” gift to them based on what you get from the interview. A book for a fourth grader? Or a cookbook! Clay for a middle schooler. What interests are there? Not just a gift but a present that understands your presence to their parents in this present moment.

Presenting your facility

Presenting your facility

When you present your facility and its people to the Board of Directors, your city council, or your state representatives remind yourself that they will remember the feeling you portray, not the content alone.

Your statistics need to have heart as well as head in them. Not only stories about patients but perhaps people telling the story - willing patients and families, doctors and housekeepers, nurses and maintenance. What would it be like to have them present? Interview them, bring the face and feeling of your place to the meeting.

This is what they will remember long after the meeting is over. This brings excitement about your place to your audience’s understanding.

Try an interview approach

Try an interview approach

Next time you invite someone to update your team, interview them instead of asking them to come with a presentation. They will like it better (no formal prep) and you and your team will be able to ask questions that get to the heart of what is needed. This works great with quality and safety data, financial information, construction updates, and finding the mood of some of the staff.

A recommendation: get rid of the tables and bring the chairs up close to you and the one you are interviewing. This creates a sense of community and intimacy and helps support the one being interviewed…distance of any sort (as well as tables!) creates spectators instead of participators. Try it. Take the risk a few times and see what happens.