The worst thing the hiring manager can tell you after an interview is that you were great, but you were #2. This series of ideas is devoted to making you the #1.
By now many interviewees have read Michael Watkins book on the 90-Day plan and refer to it in their interviews promising that they will get to know everyone, detail a list of projects, etc. So, if everyone is doing that…don’t be the next one to do the same thing! What if you said, “I have read the book but I have a slightly different strategy - mine is 45-45-Day Plan. When I am new to the role, my first 45-Day plan will reflect my research, my expectations, and frankly some of my assumptions about the work. My next 45-Day plan is the booster rocket meant to propel that learning at a faster and steady pace. Each succeeding 45-Day plan helps me align with my boss, my colleagues, and with the changing market which, I believe doesn’t wait for 90 days anymore!”
So…I’m interested, what’s been your experience? What do you think? What would you add to increase our understanding of this together? And, of course, thank you for reading this!